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About Our Troop

Contact with any information requests.
If you’re checking out our site and are looking for a troop to join in the Phoenix area, please come visit us.
Meeting Information: Every Wednesday night during the school year (September through May) at the First United Methodist Church Assembly Hall 5510 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85012. Even though we meet at First United Methodist Church, families of all faiths and beliefs are welcome in our troop. Meeting times are from 7:00pm until 8:30pm. We do not meet during the month of December.
Troop 41 has a long, notable history in the Phoenix area. It was formed during the 1930’s and has met continuously at Madison #1 since its inception. Thousands of boys have passed through the ranks of scouting in our troop.
Troop 41 is a boy led troop. This means that our scouts hold leadership positions within the troop. They’re in charge of running the meetings, assist with rank advancement classes and assist with decision making of our monthly outings.
We go camping at least once a month all over the state of Arizona. Outings consist of a wide range of backpacking, rock climbing, bicycling, kayaking, and an annual ski trip to Sunrise. The troop also attends a week long summer camp at Camp Geronimo in Payson, Arizona. We encourage every scout who joins our troop to stay active and earn the rank of Eagle Scout. Our advancement program consists of parents that work with our new scouts to help them obtain the First Class rank within their first year. We also offer all Eagle required merit badges to our boys throughout the year. Our goal for each and every scout in our troop is that by the time they reach high school, the only requirement they will need to work on to earn their Eagle is their Eagle project.
Our primary fundraiser continues to be the selling of Christmas Trees. The boys benefit from this experience by being able to go on a week long summer trip outside the state of Arizona. Some of the trips that we’ve done recently are sea hiking in and around Yellowstone National Park and The Grand Tetons, Exploring Southern Utah, and surfing in Ventura, California.
Our current scoutmaster, Brian Cook, received Scoutmaster of the Year for 2011 and also received the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) Outstanding Eagle Scout Award in December of 2012. The NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award (NOESA) is a prestigious recognition granted by the local council’s NESA committee to Eagle Scouts who have demonstrated outstanding achievement at the local, state, or regional level. This award recognizes Eagle Scouts whose efforts have made a positive impact closer to home.
If you’ve ever been a member of Troop 41 and have a story that you would like to share, please feel free.
I was a new Scout at Madison #1 in Fall 1954 (age 11) — might this have been Troop 41. At that time I was in it the Roosevelt Council.
Since then I have a long Scouting resume in CA, FL, and back in AZ — Silver Beaver, 6 National and World Jamborees; and a Council Executive Board. A Vigil OA.
Please let me into that you have.
Charles (Chuck) Holland , BSID #1744360
Would to get information.
Mr. Holland,
This is that same troop.
Congratulations on the Silver Beaver. A few of our scouts made it to the World Jamboree, that was quite an experience!Madison raised the rent we paid to a level that was not feasible for the Troop so we moved to our new fabulous Charter Organization at First Methodist. If you’re still in AZ, we would live to have you stop by when we resume meeting!
Thank you for dropping us a note!
I am looking for info about keeping cut trees alive longer please
Hello Peggy,
The key is to make sure you get a fresh cut on the trunk when you buy it.
We sell a tree preservative at our lot that we would recommend, this slows the process of the cells in the tree dying. Some people use warm water when they water their tree, and some even add an aspirin. There is a great video on YouTube , I’ll post it here soon.
I was a Scout in Troop 41 (343) in the early 70’s at Madison #1, Such great memories and we had fantastic leadership. Joe Robbins, Mal Keeler, Dr Cooke and many more. I received my Eagle Scout there along with my brother and many others.
Completed the hike from Phoenix to Camp Geronimo. (IIRC). Many memories, stories and laughs! I am forever in debt to the men who helped shape a young mind.