Eagle’s Nest

Hello and welcome to the Eagle’s Nest for Boy Scout Troop 41.  We are in the process of compiling records of all scouts that came from this troop and earned the rank of Eagle.  Check back often for updates to this page.

Robert Ahler
Kenneth DeHoff
Victor Ketchum
Douglas Naylor
Mickey Robbins

Joe Allen
Ted Collins
Walter Collins
George Franklin
Jim Nunnally
Joe Robbins

William Straka

Steven Murray
Richard Schuette

Jeremy Benedict
Scott Coor
George Dempsey
Bill Fredolph
Andy Heinle
DeForest Joralmon
Ray Keeler
Tom McGann
Matt McWenie
Mike McWenie
Troy Miller
Dale Pugh III
Paul Pugh
David Robbins
Rob Shepler
James Wilson
Richard Eugene Woods

Brian Barwick
Jack Beaver
John Benson
Mark Benson
Danny Benton
Jamie Boyle
Frank Bishop
Fred Bishop
Brian Cook
John Fargo
Patrick Ferrell
Craig Fielder
Mark Fogelson
Andrew Fulton
Jim Fulton
James Gorraiz
John Gorraiz
Victor Gorraiz
Scott Grissom
Ben Groseclose
John Groseclose
Brendan Henretta
David Herbert
Chris Hinze
Rudolph (J.J.) Jass
Ronald Johnson
Scott Johnson
Chris McWenie
Shawn Miller
John Morey
Jeffrey Murphy
Brian Pence
Mike Pence
Todd Prigge
Dale Roberts
Donald Roberts
Chad Smith
Wes Smith
Andrew Tonn
Michael Torrey
Scott Wait
Elijah (Hummer) Walker
Hugh Winkel

Dylan Anderson
Daniel Babcock
Andy Baker
Wes Baker
Dave Berry
James (J.J.) Birger
Jared Burdick
Justin Burdick
Anthony (Tyler) Doshier
Theodore (Ted) Eilert
Kurt Henry
Christopher Jones
Peter Lawrence
Matt Londen
Phil Londen
Ernie Martinez
Chris Mee
Nathan Mee
Brian Peoples
Dennis Peoples
Christopher Reese
Derek Skarecky
Tony Vigorito

Bryce Altaffer
Nick Babakitis
Greg Baker
Wesley Borie
Nick Brodhurst
John Burgmeier
Tyler Cone
David Crowe
Ted Crowe
Shea Delano
Creighton Dixon
Kevin C. Dixon
Alex Fredrickson
Sam Fry
Scott Fry
Casey Giblin
Tyler Hainlen
Brandon Hinson
Troy Hyde
Cody Kellogg
Colin Laughlin
Riley Laughlin
Liam Leonard
John Nute
Josh O’Boyle
Greer Palmer
Jake Palmer
James Richards
Jose Rivera
Matt Sandvig
Max Smith
Dayn Sommer
Josh Taber
Vince Vinci

Jan. Sean DeLorey
Feb. Brady Laughlin
Mar. Tomas Hull
Apr. Zach Goga
May Michael Lowell
June Rishi Raval
Sep. Austin Brucker
Oct. Daniel Garcia

Jan. Alex Rega
Mar. Elijah Kastrul
June Greg Ali
June Jaime Barragan

Jan. Christian Pulley
Feb. Cristian Cox-Gonzalez
June Cody Bergkamp
Sep. Breslin Sibley

Feb. Tim Giblin
Mar. Devin Bergkamp
May Matthew Walsh
June Billy Wallace
Oct. Andrew Aranda
Oct. Danny Cotter
Oct. Dillon Hinson
Nov. Austin Cotter
Nov. Eddie Garcia
Nov. Haydon Hinson

Feb. Jaxson Haggard
Mar. Daniel Doronin
May Thomas Brown
May Cesar Carreto

May Shane Aranda
May Giovanny Barragan
Oct. Jett Haggard
Dec. Michael Cruse
Dec. Max Lawcock

Mar. Caelin Cox-Gonzalez
Apr. Anuj Patel
Apr. Spencer Sandvig
June Alec Arthur
Sep. Tatum Quinley
Sep. Sam Riess
Nov. Connor Mattison

Feb.  Christopher Dahm
May  Tyler Pulley
Jun.  Jorel Haggard
Oct.  Levi Hamilton

Feb.  Ethan Lam
Apr.  Ben Buskirk
May  Bennet Crews
May  Seth Crews
June  Ryan George
Sept.  Hayden Amdahl
Oct. Charlie Johnson
Oct. Damian Sachar

Feb.  Zachariah Whitlock
Sept. Aiden Brantner
Sept. Alexander Kozub
Sept. Nikolaus Kozub  

Mar. Jack Barrett
Sept. Sam Benavidez
Oct. Jacob Dahm
Dec. George T. Wilson
Dec. Nic Whitlock

Feb. Axel Dahm
Mar. Cort Ostendorf
Apr. Drake Gear
Apr. John Antolik
May. Austin Gentry
Dec. Kai Allen
Dec. Gus Turner

Jan. Ryan Cotter
May. Emmet Boorse
May. Sam Ortman
Aug. Reese Hutchinson

Mar. Jack Wahl
Mar. Soren Knapp
Apr. Josef Schweiger
Apr. MacDell Mostow
Apr. Elliott Lewenstein
Sep. Lucas Nugent
Dec. Evan Marske
Dec. Mateo Berastegui
Dec. Talon Gear


One thought on “Eagle’s Nest”

  1. Hello, This is Andrew Tonn, Eagle Scout, Troop 41 from way back in the 1980s. I am trying to get my Scouting and Eagle info together to join NESA and was wondering if there was a file record of exactly when my award was etc. Thank-you for your time and thanks to Troop 41 for an amazing amount of great experiences!

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