Following is a link to a new area of the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s website for scouts and cub scouts. The reason they have built it is to make it easier for scout leaders to connect with outdoor activity ideas. There are many fun, interactive, exciting activity ideas for scouts that the AZGFD has organized for your use. There are also work projects that help support wildlife conservation activities that are usually sponsored by conservation organizations. I hope you can make use of the new website information.
There is a second area of AZGFD’s website referred to as the Get Outside page. If you navigate to this portion of their website you can find information about all sorts of outdoor related programs, including youth hunting camps that are designed to teach families new to hunting all about how to participate safely and successfully. You can view the Get Outside portion of AZGFD’s website by entering the address below into your browser. Otherwise, you can go to the main AZGFD website at and click the Get Outside button on the bottom left side of the page.
The Grand Canyon Council and AZGFD are working on several other exciting things. For example, Explore Bowhunting, which is an interactive outdoor related curriculum, will be coming to camp Raymond and Camp Geronimo this year. Explore Bowhunting is presented by the Archery Trade Association.
The Arizona Game and Fish Department is also partnering with the Grand Canyon Council to bring the Conservation Challenge to camp Raymond. Scouts who earn the Rifle, Shotgun, Archery, and Fish and Wildlife Management Merit Badges will be eligible to obtain their Arizona Game and Fish Department Hunter Education certification with a short supplemental class, and satisfactory completion the Arizona Hunter Education Exam at camp Raymond. Attached to this email is a picture of the merit badge assembly produced through partnership between the National Wild Turkey Federation and the Boy Scouts of America.