2016 Christmas Tree Lot Info

16_10_31_Tree_LotIt’s back!  The Troop 41 Christmas Tree Lot is located on the northeast corner of 11th Street and Northern. The lot  opens on November 25th and will operate through December 22nd or until we run out of trees.  Hours are Weekdays 4pm-9pm and Weekends 10am-9pm. 

This is Troop 41’s main fundraiser for the next year’s activities including summer camp which is not necessarily a typical Boy Scout summer camp experience.  In the summer of 2016, proceeds from the 2015 tree lot sent nearly 40 kids to Ventura, CA, for a week of camping and surf lessons-some of these kids had never been to the ocean let alone been on a surfboard!  This year we are supporting almost 50% more scouts in the troop and will be going to Camp Geronimo north of Payson.

For many Boy Scouts in our troop, this is their first look at what it takes to run a business and work with customers.  All scouts in the troop will be working several shifts throughout the tree lot’s duration.  Please come by, say hello, and pick up your Christmas tree or trees for 2016.

If you would like to help support Troop 41’s activities, but may not be able to make it out to purchase a tree or want to assist with our start-up inventory costs, our Go Fund Me page allows you to do so. 

To support the Troop, please visit:


(if the link does not work, copy and paste the text above in your browser bar)

Thank You!

Boy Scouts of America Troop 41


2017 National Jamboree – West Virginia

Our own Scoutmaster (Brian Cook) will be leading one of the seven troops going to the National Jamboree in July 2017. Each troop will consist of 36 boys. Brian is actively recruiting boys for his Jamboree Troop. Any eligible scout in the Grand Canyon Council is welcome to join Brian’s troop. Go to the Grand Canyon Council Website (www.grandcanyonbsa.org) to register your scout – Brian’s e-mail address is also listed on the registration page if you have any questions and would like to contact him for more information. Jamboree meetings start Sunday, January 25th at Desert Hills Presbyterian Church (Scottsdale Road & Carefree Highway). Meeting times are from 5:00 until 6:00.